Thursday, November 6, 2008


Terima kasih ya Allah..

Aku sentiasa senyum dan gelak ...

Ada saje yg menggelikan hati, membuatkan aku tersenyum puas atau ketawa mengilai2 riang...

Nak cerita satu persatu, sakit mulut aku tahan gelak bila habis menulis nanti...

Tip off's: ada yang risau bila aku jalan menonong tunduk bawah dan tak pandang kiri kanan. eh, aku kan pemalu???

*muka tak faham*

Kalaupun ada ketika terasa geram, aku bayangkan aku terguling2 atas lantai sambil hentak2 kaki ...terus tersenyum..

Takde kena mengena dengan sesiapa cuma aku terasa kurniaan Allah itu tak putus2...ada saja kegembiraan dan ketenangan yang DIA titipkan untuk aku..

keluarga. teman-teman.

Hidup sangat indah...

ok, aku dah penat fikir ayat dan nahu.

November's highlight...

7th: MMA dinner. so, what colour of tudung can match up with black top and white sarung (of kurung moden?) hmmm, kalu rajin sms la ur opinion cos i need to find one before tomorrow evening.hahah...i didnt expect anything grand, saje dah lama tak dress upattend formal function.

15th: makan2 at my bro's in Shah Alah. yup, i'll be in KL (again!) for that weekend. you're cordially invited as i am the co-host..ajak betul nih, bukan main2 tau;p kindly let me know if u're free and i'd be delighted to see u there...
ehem, reminder to self not to do any shopping for this trip!

28th: this is the reason to save up. BANDUNG! weeeeehoooooo=D

*lompat2 sambil tepuk tangan*

this will be all girls' trip (myself, auntie, sister, SIL) and i'm expecting great deals and bargains...pardon me if i splurge on myself this time, i sure deserve it rite?

spa and massage is in the list.

As for the ad-on wish list

-I'd love to have a mini library...nothing fancy, just a room with huge cabinet to display my books and a cosy couch...ahh, bliss!

-There's this lady's swimming session on Sunday and Wednesday at Kompleks Sekolah-Sekolah (to which i have no idea where it!) that i'd love to give it a try and hopefully make a healthy routine..

should i get exercise machine? i have treadmill in my mind....

i dream of a mini studio where i could have aerobic exercise and enjoy the adrenaline rush afterwards...a private one so that i can be comfortable with legging and tank top t-shirt.

-I wanna have a day with my KAMI girlfrens.

anywhere. anytime.

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