Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back to school..

My sick leave is gonna end today..the feeling is similar to when I was going back to school after the end of the year’s break... feeling anxious of what’s going to be like when almost everyone knew about my condition, the price to pay for being in district hospital (crap, I even had one pharmacist in another hospital who was aware about the news!) maybe a bit excited of going back to work and getting my brain working after leading an idle (almost sedentary) lifestyle for a few weeks…dreading the thought of doing oncall, but hey, that’s an extra cash for my shopping!

You know the feeling when you had too long holiday and you started to feel guilty for not doing anything beneficial during that period? As a self-defense, I think I’m doing pretty alright..perhaps only spent the first two weeks of fully recovering and after that, a few fruitful things I’ve done and learnt.

‘Tanyalah Ustaz’- 7-8am everyday on channel 119 is now one of my favourite channel. Back to when I was still working, that hour doesn’t allow me to join my parents having breakfast while watching the segment because I would either be putting quick make up then rushing to the car…so when I was at home, I tried not to miss it. The topics are all very relevant, presenter who are informative but able to keep the humour and just the right way to start the day. So I promised myself that after this, I’ll wake up early so that by 7am, I will be ready and can spent almost half an hour on this segment before going for work.

EAT,PRAY,LOVE- I made sure I finished the book before watching the movie and glad I did.I know i'm soo behind but can't blame me for the kind of job i take up (lame excuse, d'uhh!) . it was worthwhile. For some reason, i could easily relate her quest to what i went through recently and by the time i finished the last page, i felt some sort of relieved and of the things she learnt in italy is to find a her word and mine would be 'BELIEVE'

I spent almost a month up north being a housewife..and that's when i stopped wishing to be one. LOL! i's not that easy being a domestic goddess apparently...i counts on my blessing for having a life partner who's not only good in cooking (and rescuing my disastrous attempt in kitchen) but also neat and particular in cleanliness..makes life so much easier,hehe..still have lotsa empty pages in my recipe book though;)

I ventured into another business, purely inspired by my mum....for now, there're kaftan (fondly known as baju kelawar), tudung bawal, telekung vietnam and batik all started when i need a distraction from my illness and i wanna do something i enjoy as side-track from medicine..another way to pursue in sunnah Rasulullah..

I'm a great fan of wishlist...most of my wedding wishlist came true so that explains...the latest is buying the complete set of shopaholic series..when in need of inspiration, i came up with wishlist for this's really therapeutic when i put happy thought into doesnt matter whether it materialises or not, but i can feel my spirit lifts up and the world becomes more colourful...

Final words, i actually had to re-type half of this entry because of some technical error so i'm late for bed...

Wake me up at 6.15am!

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